Rewind my little memories of number thoery..
GCD和辗转相除法(Euclidean Algorithm)
1 | int gcd(int a,int b){ |
Idea: old divisor $\div$ old remainder, until we have new remainder=0.
Proof: suppose $a=b+c$ where $a>b$, and $x=gcd(a,b)$.
$\Rightarrow x$ is the divisor of both $a,b$.
$\Rightarrow \frac ax = \frac bx + \frac cx$
$\Rightarrow x=gcd(b,c)$. Otherwise, suppose we have a greater divisor $y=gcd(b,c), y>x$, we will have $\frac by+\frac cy=\frac{b+c}y=\frac ay=an\ integer$. This is a contradiction to the assumption that $x=gcd(a,b)$
Now we can continue to let $b=c+d,x=gcd(c,d)$ until $d=0$, and $x$ is the last non-zero number.
We replace the repeated subtractions by divisions and know the algorithm is correct.
1 | lcm=a*b/gcd(a,b) |
Idea: $a*b=lcm(a,b)*gcd(a,b)$
Proof: Think of prime factorization, $gcd(a,b)=prime(a)\cap prime(b)$, and $lcm(a,b)=prime(a)\cup prime(b)$. So multiply these two will have every prime of $a,b$ with exact times.
Simple Exercise
Codeforces 858A
The k-rounding number ends with k zeros and is divisble by n. So $10^k$ and n are divisor of this number. K-rounding = $lcm(n,10^k)$
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